Let’s start out the month with a Pantry Clean Up! Follow along with #PantryCleanUp on Facebook for more delish recipe ideas.
The other day, I was digging for something in my pantry and this idea struck me. It’s barely organized at this point and I have way too much clutter in both my pantry and freezer. Something almost dropped on my toe and I thought “it’s time for a clean up!”. After heading to Facebook with my sentiments, it seems like you all are on the same boat right now too!
I have a Zaycon Chicken pickup in March and I can barely get a package of peas in my freezer–that’s not gonna fly. My pantry resides in the basement and last year Ricky built some awesome shelves. When it’s clean and organized, I love having such a huge space for my pantry. Right now…it’s simply a burden!
This month I’ve set a few ground rules to get everything in order.
- I vow to only purchase milk, limited fresh produce (apples, onions, bananas) and yogurt at the store, unless absolutely necessary. For instance, if I run out of an essential lunchbox item, I’ll pick that up.
- I’ll use up as many condiments, spices and other random items I have in my fridge and upstairs pantry, as well.
- Using the group Pinterest board, I’ll try new recipes and Pin new favorites I’ve tried.
Step ONE: Clean out the fridge. I’m pretty good about clearing out and using leftovers, but my condiment shelves are out of control. We have a gazillion open dressings and various dips. First, I’ll throw out any expired items. Then, I must find uses for any open dressings BEFORE any new ones are opened. (Marinades, etc)
Step TWO: Organize the pantry. All like items must be grouped together and any expired goods must be disposed of. If I know for sure something won’t be used, I’ll donate it. As I’m cleaning out the pantry, a list will be made of items that I have a surplus of. Those must be used up first. Don’t forget about your spice cabinet, too!
Step THREE: Tackle the freezer. Using the same pantry list, add items that are found in the freezer. Cuts of meat and veggies, especially. Any frozen meals must be evaluated. Unlabeled frozen soup puck? It’s used up or disposed of.
Once everything is cleared out, it will be easier to start meal planning and using those creative recipe ideas. I adore the All Recipes Ingredient search, found in the top toolbar. You can type in random ingredients you have on hand to find new recipe ideas.
As the month goes on, take note of items you keep passing by. Or items you have a huge surplus of. That might mean that you should stop buying them! Also, note new meals your family seems to gravitate towards.
Are you ready for week one? Join the conversation on Facebook! Also, don’t miss the weekly Facebook Live updates.
[…] month is the Pantry Clean-Up and I figured it would be a great time to share this recipe I created for Randall Beans. Most items […]