Last week, we took our first road trip as a family of 6. I won’t lie: I was a bit nervous about driving 15+ hours with an infant. On the way there, we broke up the trip into two 7 hour shifts, which was a lifesaver. More about Myrtle Beach later…I have some travel tips today!
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Sposie Booster Pads, the number one brand in diaper doublers. All opinions are entirely my own.
Now that Liam is 8 months old, he is ready to MOVE and SHOUT…making his presence known. I love seeing the little person he is becoming. That being said, sitting still is hard for him. I was nervous about how he would act during a long road trip. Here are some tips we learned!
5 Tips for Traveling with an Infant
Bring plenty of entertainment. When I first started packing, I didn’t want to fill the entire car with Liam’s stuff, but I also didn’t want to be without items for him. You’re going to want some sort of seat for eating or playing (we used a pop-up chair). This is especially helpful if you’re staying at a condo. The pack n’ play was also essential for us. Liam slept in it and we brought it to the beach. We obviously didn’t bring all of his toys, but I was sure to pack plenty of teethers and favorite toys. I also brought his sound/light machine to help sooth him at night and make him feel like he’s in a familiar place.
Stay on (somewhat) of a schedule. When you have your day jam packed with activities, you need to keep in mind your little one’s routine. Many times, it was easy for Liam to nap in his stroller, but we didn’t want to stray too far off of his normal sleeping schedule. During his morning nap, we used that time to get ready for the beach, pack lunches and eat breakfast. I knew if we skipped that one, the day would be rough. We also learned, quickly I might add, that we can’t have later dinners. It was actually beneficial, since we were able to take advantage of Happy Hour and Early Bird specials! If we went out to eat, we aimed to leave by 5, so dinner would be done in time to get Liam home and cleaned up for bed. This also allowed for us to have time for games with the older kids and relaxing time as a couple.
Over prepare your diaper bag. I wanted to make sure I had everything I might possibly need in our diaper bag in the front of the car. Two extra outfits, tons of diapers, snacks, a bowl/spoon for baby food, bibs, toys, blankets…you name it. Everything was accessible for Liam if we needed it quickly. I have found that he tends to leak through diapers quickly than the girls ever did. Even though we planned on stopping every 3 hours, I didn’t want him to have to sit in a wet outfit. Also: be prepared if there isn’t a changing station. I was shocked at how many times I couldn’t find one! Diaper changing pads are a necessity! I also had some Tylenol since he’s teething and his soothing essential oil roller ball. Yes, the diaper bag was HEAVY…but it was super handy to have everything ready to go!
When I heard about Sposie Booster Pads, I knew we had to try them. You can line any diaper with the booster pad for up to 8 ounces of extra protection. We have found even overnight diapers leak for us, so they’re not just going to be used for road trips! Not once did we have an issue with leaking or wet clothes after using the Sposie (rhymes with Cozy) Diaper Doublers. Since Liam has sensitive skin, I love that they are fragrance, chlorine and latex free–we had NO issues.
To find them near you, check out this easy store locator. We found them right in the diaper aisle at Walmart…they even had a $1 off peelie on them!
Capture every moment. Although I tried to somewhat unplug on vacation, I made sure I captured every moment I could. I loved to see my girls having fun in the sand and Liam’s excitement to be in a new environment. When he first played in the ocean, I was sure to record it. Now that I have a phone full of photos, I can print them off for an album or book! Tip: try to get YOURSELF in some photos too!
Make time for extra cuddles. Remember that being out of their element can be hard for babies. I found that Liam wanted extra cuddles in the morning and enjoyed using the baby carrier versus the stroller. Make sure your schedule isn’t too jam packed for your little one…they’ll be sure to tell you when they’ve had enough! One day, we planned on going out to dinner but we immediately knew that Liam wasn’t going to have it. Going with the flow is essential–you might not get to do everything you want, but that’s okay!
Amanda Hernandez says
Love this post and all of the Liam pics!
Dash Of Evans says
Thank you so much!
jacob says
i don’t usually write posts or comments on articles but your blog was so convincing and is written with such diligence i had to praise. great work !